Congressman Nadler and the NYC AVP Announce $750,000 in Federal Funding to Combat Intimate Partner Violence


On October 13, Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-10) and the New York City Anti-Violence Project (AVP) announced $750,000 in federal funding that will allow AVP to continue providing vital services for LGBTQ and HIV-affected survivors of intimate partner violence.

Over the next three years, $600,000 will go into providing free legal representation and supporting advocacy efforts for domestic violence survivors, which will enhance victim safety and autonomy. The remaining $150,000 in federal funding will allow AVP to continue sharing its expertise in LGBTQ cultural competency through training and technical assistance to other organizations.

"This funding will help AVP continue its work representing victims of intimate partner violence within the LGBTQ and HIV-affected communities," said Congressman Nadler. "AVP's services are a vital resource for many New Yorkers, and I am encouraged they will be able to support victims and increase the ability of others to appropriately assist these often-underserved communities as well."

"We are tremendously grateful to Congressman Nadler for his ongoing support of the LGBTQ and HIV-affected communities, and for supporting survivors of intimate partner violence in all communities," said Beverly Tillery, Executive Director of the New York City Anti-Violence Project. "This grant will allow AVP to expand our reach to underserved LGBTQ survivors of intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and stalking, especially those who are too often shut out of mainstream domestic violence programs, particularly transgender and gender non-conforming people of color, and gay men of color."

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