Star Wars: The Force Awakens (3D)

Kevin Taft READ TIME: 2 MIN.

A good six months after Disney released the sequel to the most popular franchise of all time, along comes "Star Wars: The Force Awakens 3D," which not only includes the long-awaited 3D version of the film, but a host of new bonus features including three deleted scenes not previously unseen.

If you wonder if the 3D aspect would be worth it on a home entertainment system, fear not. The colors are crisp and the blacks are as inky as you want them to be. The depth and spatiality of the 3D is excellent and doesn't feel like it was done after the fact -- even though it was. This is one time where the 3D only adds to the viewing experience and it would be one that I would choose every time I watch the film.

As for the new bonus features, for "Star Wars" enthusiasts, they are must haves; mostly to have a complete collection of the deleted scenes and lively commentary by director J.J. Abrams. That alone is a priceless class in filmmaking.

Other new features include:

  • Foley: A Sonic Tale - Foley artists discuss how they created the world of "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" and how they matched the sound to the action onscreen.

  • Sounds of the Resistance - This one is all about the Oscar nominated sound design.

  • 9 Deleted Scenes - Six old and three new deleted scenes that didn't make it into the final product.

  • Dressing the Galaxy - Costume Designer Michael Kaplan talks about the costumes for the film and how the original trilogy informed his creative process.

  • The Scavenger and the Stormtrooper: A Conversation with Daisy Ridley and John Boyega - The two lead actors discuss the roles of a lifetime.

  • Inside the Armory - This featurette is all about the weapons of the "Star Wars" galaxy.

  • The rest of the Bonus Features consist of 8 featurettes included in the last edition of the film.
    The deluxe packaging includes the Star Wars: The Force Awakens 3D Blu-ray, the 2D Blu-ray, a disc of the bonus features, and a DVD copy, not to mention a Digital HD copy.

    Blu-ray/DVD Collector's Edition

    by Kevin Taft

    Kevin Taft is a screenwriter/critic living in Los Angeles with an unnatural attachment to 'Star Wars' and the desire to be adopted by Steven Spielberg.

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