5 Tips to Keep Pets Stress-Free This Holiday Season


A home bursting with friends and family, fancy decorations and tasty treats sounds like the perfect Christmas.

However, Pets at Home is warning pet owners that a home full of new people, new foods and new presents can be a little overwhelming for our furry friends.

A change in routine, including missed walks, late mornings and different feeding times can all contribute to a restless and anxious pet.

With so many festive treats around the home, pet owners are also more likely to feed their pet human foods, which aren't suitable for animals. Chocolate, for example, contains theobromine which is dangerous and toxic for pets. Cooked chicken and turkey bones, which might look appealing for dogs can splinter and cause serious digestive issues.

Dr. Maeve Moorcroft, veterinary adviser at Pets at Home, said: "Christmas should never be a stressful time for anyone, but with lots of loud noise, new people and a change in routine, it's very easy for our furry friends to become unsettled. However there are lots of simple ways to support them and make them feel at ease."

1. Try as much as possible to stick to your pet's routine, with regular walks and feeding times or keeping items in their usual place. This will help your pets to feel more settled

2. Find a quiet part of your home to turn into a 'safe place' for your pet, with access to water and a comforting item

3. Try to keep any decorations out of reach from your pets. Keep cables from Christmas tree lights out of reach or get a cable guard they can't chew through, because rabbits, cats and dogs will try! Whilst plants like poinsettia and mistletoe can be poisonous

4. While a busy household might increase your stress levels, it is important to stay relaxed as pets will become hyper-sensitive to your own mood if they are feeling anxious around new faces

5. If your home is likely to get noisy, introduce your pet to a variety of toys to keep them entertained and distracted from the noise.

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