Congresswoman Barbara Lee Sworn In as Member of 115th Congress


Yesterday, Congresswoman Barbara Lee was sworn in as a member of the 115th Congress. She released the following statement:

"It is a privilege and honor to be sworn in as representative of California's 13th Congressional District for the 115th Congress. The trust and confidence my constituents have placed in me once again strengthens my resolve and determination in these trying times.

"As we prepare for the challenges ahead, one thing is certain: a progressive resistance to Republicans will be necessary to keep our families safe. We must stand united against the voices of division and hatred trying to undermine the progress we've made over the past eight years.

"As a Member of Congress, I believe that our nation is at its best when the economy works for everyone, justice is applied equally to all and our government is accountable to the American people. This year and in the Congress to come, I will remain vigilant in the fights to preserve and strengthen our social safety net for all, bring an to end poverty, increase access to affordable healthcare, re-establish Congressional oversight in matters of war and peace, protect reproductive rights, end the HIV/AIDS pandemic and defend the right to vote.

"In these uncertain times, I am honored to be a member of the Democratic Caucus, a caucus in which women, people of color, and LGBT Americans constitute an historic majority. Our caucus looks and thinks like America and our strength comes from our diversity. Together we will work to bring an end to systemic racism in this country and provide the solutions necessary to address economic inequality.

"I will stand against any attempts by the powerful and privileged to hijack our democracy. Along with my progressive colleagues, I pledge to fight for an increase to the minimum wage, access to affordable housing, the protection of Social Security and Medicare and strengthened ladders of opportunity for all Americans.

"Additionally, today I was proud to be sworn in as a member of the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC). Over the last year, our nation has been roiled by attacks against immigrants, women, and people of color. Republicans have already indicated that they will allow the most extreme and bigoted wings of their party to determine their policies and positions. As the 'conscience of the Congress,' the CBC has led the effort to defend civil rights and protect those in need around the world for decades. I look forward to standing with my colleagues in the CBC once again as we fight racism and bigotry -- even when it comes from the President of the United States."


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