Operation Warm Wishes Presents Shopping Spree for Families in Need


On Monday, January 16, California kids and families can receive a free shopping spree, courtesy of Operation Warm Wishes.

It's all part of the Operation Warm Wishes Presents: The Great! The Amazing! Grocery Shopping Spree for Children and Families in Need!

Each child will receive $30 to buy groceries and a shopping list with items that must be purchased, like cereal, pasta, canned goods, meats, fruits and vegetables, and bread, along with coupons and health and inexpensive meal ideas and recipes.

They will be paired up with a shopping coach, like a police officer, community member, or student, and a calculator to help them shop and budget.

The purpose of the event is not only to provide children and their families with food, but also to teach them about budgeting and working together.

To hear founder TyRon Jackson discuss the shopping spree on 102.7 KIIS FM, click here.

The shopping spree will be held from 8 a.m.-noon on Monday, January 16 at Albertsons in the city of Tustin, 13270 Newport Ave, Tustin, CA 92780.

To register your child, call TyRon Jackson at 714-363-6621 or visit www.OperationWarmWishes.com


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