Three Times as Many Bus Permits Requested for Women's March Than Inauguration


There have been three times as many bus parking permits requested for the Women's March in Washington, D.C., on Saturday than for President-elect Donald Trump's inauguration on Friday, according to�The Washington Post.

As of Thursday, Jan. 12, 393 charter bus permits had been requested for the inauguration, City Councilman Charles Allen�told�BuzzFeed News.�

The number of bus permit requests for this year's inauguration is a huge drop off from the first inauguration for President Barack Obama notes Fox News.

D.C. Councilmember Charles Allen says there were 1,200 permit requests in 2009. In 2013, there were about 900 permit requests to park at RFK Stadium for the inauguration.

All of the city's 1,300 available charter bus parking spaces at RFK Stadium have been filled for the Women's March, scheduled for Jan. 21. There could be more buses coming for the march and parking in other locations, Allen said, admitting that he was unsure of where they might park.

"While the demand for bus parking seems significantly less than for previous inaugurations, the District is well prepared and will be ready for all visitors and guests making their way here," Allen told BuzzFeed.

"As the nation's capitol, D.C. is no stranger to major events, and we are ready to provide a safe experience for everyone and to protect their First Amendment rights in the process -- including the large crowds expected for the Women's March on Washington," said Allen.

According to the event's Facebook page as of Wednesday afternoon, 207,000 people have said they are going to the Women's March and another 254,000 said they were interested in the event.

Organizers say the march is inclusive and open to everyone who supports women's rights, and "will send a bold message to our new administration on their first day in office, and to the world that women's rights are human rights."


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