Bullying Advocates Make Noise About GLSEN's Annual 'Day of Silence,' Encourage Truancy


On Friday, thousands of students across the country will be participating the in the annual "Day of Silence" to combat anti-LGBT bullying, by remaining silent in school.

On that same day, a small but loud contingent of outraged Christian parents nationwide will keep their kids home - presumably to protect their right to bully around all that silence.

Either way, teachers can expect a quiet day at work.

Organized by the Gay and Lesbian Student Education Network (GLSEN), the annual "Day of Silence" is a student-led national event organized in thousands of schools, bringing awareness to the silencing effects of anti-LGBTQ name-calling, bullying and harassment in schools.�By taking a one day vow of silence, students illustrate the silencing effect of bullying and harassment on LGBTQ students and those perceived to be LGBTQ.

And while conventional logic would lead one to believe that regardless the purpose of the event, a quiet day in school would be conducive to learning for all students, a pair of post-menopausal hate group leaders with children long out of the school system think otherwise.

Linda Harvey of the anti-LGBT hate group Mission America has long been a foe of the "Day of Silence" which, in her latest trash rant for World Net Daily, she calls a "hostile protest against heterosexuality and sound moral values."

"No one wants bullying," Harvey writes. "Yet preventing it does not require any student or educator to embrace deviant behavior. The marriage of these two unrelated concepts is just as illegitimate as same-sex unions."

Harvey advocates that students take part in the DOS Walk-Out, which has been endorsed by numerous SPLC-designated anti-LGBT hate groups including American Family Association, Family Research Council, Liberty Counsel, Citizens for Community Values and Harvey's own group Mission America.

Also leading the charge for faith based truancy on Friday is grandmother Laurie Higgins of the Illinois Family Institute, who sees the "Day of Silence" as a day of silencing her bigotry.

"The central goal of this day is to silence conservative voices on perspectives on the nature and morality of homosexual activity, or the health risks embedded in the homosexual and in the responses to gender dysphoria," Higgins said.

Although it is highly doubtful he has any children even college age, aging Faith and Freedom blogger Gary Randall also supported keeping kids out of school Friday. His concern is that the event is nothing more than indoctrination.

"Young teens are 'trying out being transgender' to appear 'different,' Randall writes.

"Last year transgender teenager Jazz Jennings starred in Microsoft's Christmas themed ad and National Geographic featured a 9-year-old transgender child on the cover of its January issue," he continued.

"Microsoft, National Geographic and the thousands of schools who honor the so-called "student-led" Day of Silence are in effect shaking their fist in the face of God."

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