Dumb-Ass Lists: EDGE's Favorite 'Covfefe' Tweets



In what could be the most bizarre tweet of his White House tenure since he claimed that former President Barrack Obama bugged Trump Tower, President Donald Trump had heads scratching early Wednesday morning with an incomplete tweet that included an unknown, yet exotic sounding word.

At 12:06 a.m., the president tweeted: "Despite the constant negative press covfefe."

Presumably, Trump went to sleep after pushing send. The tweet lived online for six hours before it was taken down Wednesday.

The tweet quickly went viral, causing the term "covfefe" to be the top trending item on Twitter. Comedians, celebrities and even Webster's Dictionary all had a go at defining the new Trumpism.

EDGE scoured Twitter Wednesday morning to compile a list of our favorite "Covfefe Tweets." Check back. We'll be adding to the list throughout the day.

Have a nice covfefe.

This story is part of our special report: "Dumb-Ass Lists". Want to read more? Here's the full list.

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