Just the Tip? New Penis 'Sticker' Meant for Safer Sex, But Docs Say No


A new product that's billing itself as a 'safer sex' device that seals the man's urethra shut during sex is not passing muster with docs.

USA Today reports that the new "Jiftip" sticker covers the man's urethra during sex, and is touted as a way to "Feel your partner, Feel Freedom, Feel Safe."

Except it's not. Dreams of condomless sex are still just a dream, as health professionals warn that there's no evidence the $6 2-pack of Jiftips will prevent STDs or pregnancy.

Jamin�Brahmbhatt, a physician with Orlando Health, said users who visit Jiftip's website also have to dig deep to find the company's disclaimer that the product is "not intended or approved to prevent pregnancy or STIs."

And the product's disclaimer gets even more alarming in the frequently asked question section, which reads, "BUT WHAT ABOUT HERPES, HPV?" the company asks. "Jiftip only protects pleasure and convenience, not STIs or pregnancy."

In addition to not being effective, the stickers can also cause pain or irritation to the man, who has a patch blocking his urethra while he's having "natural spasms that evacuate all the fluid." Not to mention the pain of pulling adhesive off the tip of your penis when you're done.

Brahmbhatt said customers don't often read this fine print.

"Consumers often get caught up in the hype and forget risk," Brahmbhatt said. "Even in the product's disclaimer, it says it will not prevent pregnancy or STDs, which is the only reason people wear condoms in the first place. Condoms are tried and tested. They are an effective form of birth control and control against STDs. Condoms are not the enemy."�


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