Houston's Alley Theatre Begins Recovery Following Hurricane Harvey


HOUSTON, TX - The Alley Theatre is currently in recovery mode working to restore administrative and artistic facilities and provide assistance to our artists and staff who have been affected by Hurricane Harvey.

"We're still assessing the damage Harvey inflicted upon the Theatre; it's heartbreaking to see the destruction," said Dean Gladden, Managing Director of the Alley Theatre. "But the Alley team, like all Houstonians, are rallying together so that we can get back to producing theater for this great city."

Season Update
The Alley's 2017-2018 season will proceed with the world premiere of Rajiv Joseph's "Describe the Night," beginning September 15 at the Quintero Theatre located at 3351 Cullen Blvd on the University of Houston campus.

The Alley's second world premiere of the season, Lawrence Wright's "Cleo," is proceeding with rehearsals and a location for performances is currently being determined.

The Alley administrative offices and box office remain closed and online ticketing is currently unavailable. All patrons with existing tickets to "Describe the Night" and "Cleo" will be contacted when normal business operations resume.

Hurricane Harvey Impact
Hurricane Harvey left the Alley's Neuhaus Theatre, adjacent Mitchell Lobby, prop storage and basement dressing rooms with water that reached the ceiling, past the high-water mark of 2001's Tropical Storm Allison. The Theatre's electrical systems that provide power to the administrative offices and both stages suffered severe damage and all are offline. The Theatre's Long Lobby and Hubbard Theatre did not receive any damage.

The Theatre is grateful for the kind notes of concern from many people and organizations around the country. Many of the Alley Theatre's staff members have suffered personal loss and damages from the storm. The Theatre has set up a tax-deductible Employee Flood Assistance Fund to support these staff members who have dedicated their lives to bringing great theater to Houston and the nation. Please visit www.alleytheatre.org for more information or text ALLEYSTAFF to 41444 to donate.

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