4 Things to Consider When Choosing an Airline for Your Next South Africa Trip


Planning a Trip to South Africa soon? Then chances are that you'll fly there. Have you given your choice of airline much thought? If not, then you should. Thousands of carriers exist, each offering different services at different prices.

How do you choose the right one? Here's how.

1. Safety Record

Nowhere else does the saying about Safety First apply more than in the airline industry. And not that air travel is unsafe. On the contrary, it's safer than traveling by road, rail, or ship. It's just that not all carriers maintain high safety standards.

In fact, some have such appalling track records that the E.U. blacklists them. The U.S. goes a step farther and blacklists entire countries, based on their air safety record. As these two lists are available online, go through them. Then avoid any company on the EU one or any operating in a country on the US one.

2. Timing

When you buy a ticket determines whether or not you get a discount. Take Thursday to Sunday, for instance. Carriers are swamped with weekend travelers and hoping to cash in, they withhold discounts. But come Monday, they gladly offer cheaper tickets to the few available travelers.

Likewise, tickets sold a month or two in advance are generally cheaper. But buy one a week to a trip, and the airline assumes you're a business traveler. It, therefore, hikes the price.

3. Ratings

About 5,000 companies have an International Civil Aviation Organization code. With so many to choose from, how do you know which one serves the best food? Or which one has the best in-flight entertainment or seating? And assuming you have a special needs child, which one has the most helpful cabin crew? Without consulting a star rating site, you can't.

Such sites review an airline before awarding an overall rating, usually from one to five stars. Next, they break down the services offered and rate each one individually. So, when faced with the choice between Kulula Airlines and another brand, for example, you have two choices. One, visit www kulula com or the website of the other company and compare the services on offer. Or two, visit a star rating site, which has already done it for you.

4. Value for Money

Like many travelers, do you consider the cheapest air ticket the best value for your money? Then reconsider. Imagine this: You opt for a small, cheap carrier, hoping to save money. But as you check-in, you discover it charges a hefty sum for baggage. Or worse, it has a low baggage allowance.

After paying up or re-packing your luggage, you fly for 13 hours with a 2-hour stop-over. Compare that to a seemingly over-priced alternative with no hidden fees, more baggage allowance, and a 9-hour direct flight. Which of the two gives you more value for money? It's the second one. As you can see, look beyond the airfare when choosing how to fly.

A great overseas trip begins at the airport. If you meet with delays, hidden fees, and unexpected baggage requirements, your trip will be ruined before it's even started. So, choose your airline carefully.

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