Dixie De La Tour surrounded by one of her casts during final bows. Clockwise: Justin Hall (in the cape), Dixie De La Tour, Jeffrey Allen Hayes, April Kidwell, Mosa Maxwell-Smith, and Rachel Lark. photo: Brenton Corns - 4xFarPhotography

The Power of Story: Bawdy Storytelling's Tempting Tales

Race Bannon READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Through stories people share parts of themselves with others. The stories we tell are central to human existence. Every culture has a storytelling aspect. We are wired to share stories and by the telling of those stories we also better understand ourselves.

Jonathan Gottschall, author of The Storytelling Animal: How Stories Make Us Human, said, "We are, as a species, addicted to story. Even when the body goes to sleep, the mind stays up all night, telling itself stories."

Apart from the more obvious story narratives, I have come to believe that the primary skill set that elevates the great sexual players above the average is the ability to effectively tell a story. It is essentially story that serves as the central foundation upon which every sexual encounter rests.

If story is so pivotal to who we are as humans, then the telling of erotic stories should be just as vital. There is erotica. Porn can be a story of sorts. But the verbal telling of sexual stories, especially to a public audience, has been a relatively rare occurrence. Then many years ago Dixie De La Tour decided to change that.

by Race Bannon

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