January 2, 2021
Fashion Designer Alexander Wang Denies Sexual Assault Allegations, Calls Them 'Grotesquely False'
Fashion designer Alexander Wang addressed the sexual assault allegations made against him earlier this week.
The accusations were made on several industry watchdog Instagrams, @shittmodelmgmt and @DietPrada, in which mostly anonymous accusations were made.
Wang answered the accusations in a statement to People Magazine: "Over the last few days, I have been on the receiving end of baseless and grotesquely false accusations. These claims have been wrongfully amplified by social media accounts infamous for posting defamatory material from undisclosed and/or anonymous sources with zero evidence or any fact checking whatsoever."
He continued: "Seeing these lies about me being perpetuated as truths has been infuriating," Wang continued. "I have never engaged in the atrocious behavior described and would never conduct myself in the manner that's been alleged. I intend to get to the bottom of this and hold accountable whoever is responsible for originating these claims and viciously spreading them online."
In an Instagram post earlier this week,@shitmodelmgmt wrote: "Alexander Wang has been accused of sexual assault for a few years now. Instead of letting these occurrences be swept under the rug, it is time to do something about this."
People reports that the account shared anonymous and unverified stories of the designer's alleged inappropriate behaviors, which included one person claiming "Wang laced their drink with Molly (a variety of the stimulant MDMA) and another (also unidentified) claiming Wang coerced them into his room for the night."
In one shared post, model and graphic designer Owen Mooney posted a TikTok video describing an encounter involving Wang, in which he says he met Wang in a crowded NYC club in 2017 and was groped in the genital area.
Watch on TikTok
"While Mooney didn't name the assailant in his initial video in which he described the encounter, he did call out the designer by name in a follow-up post on TikTok when fans commented and correctly guessed it was Wang," adds People.
The industry watchdog organization Model Alliance posted on their Instagram that they stood in solidarity with Wang's accusers.
In their statement, they wrote: ""Let's be clear: The fashion industry's lack of transparency and accountability leaves all models vulnerable to abuse, regardless of their sex or gender identity."
Following Mooney's account, another man came forward to the Daily Mail claiming a similar encounter with Wang.
The man, called Nick, says he met Wang at a Brooklyn club in June, 2019, where he says Wang hit on him on the dance floor. Though he found him aggressive, they became acquaintances. Then, in August, Nick claims, the designer was " 'aggressive' and performed sex acts on him while he was in a blacked out state, once in a packed club and later that night in an Uber," the Daily Mail reports.
"This is not something I wanted or something that I was going after and it should never have happened, in that way especially.
"I'm really happy that someone did speak out about it because it made me realize my own situation was a lot different than what I had thought.
"I think there was a lot of manipulation and I just kind of feel played. The whole #MeToo movement has been more around women and people don't realize this can also happen to men, I being one of them. I think it's a big wake up call to gay men," he concluded.
Nick asked the Daily Mail not to use his last name.