'The Rocky Horror Show' and Arnold Schwarzenegger in the March 18, 1976 B.A.R.

50 Years in 50 Weeks: 1976 – 'Oh, Rocky!'

Jim Provenzano READ TIME: 1 MIN.

The 'advertorial' cover of the March 18, 1976 Bay Area Reporter did not include news of our nation's Bicentennial celebrations, but instead the ongoing hit production of The Rocky Horror Show at the Montgomery Playhouse (622 Broadway); more our sort of anniversary (The participatory shout-along midnight Picture Show screenings at The Larkin Cinema, were advertised in the Sept. 2 issue, with admission a mere $2).

The issue also includes a two-page interview with Arnold Schwarzenegger, plus Harvey Milk and Wayne Friday's political columns, Irene's sports column and much more.


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by Jim Provenzano

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