Long Island Man Arrested for Threatening Violence Against LGBTQ Community


A Long Island, New York man was arrested for allegedly mailing letters threatening members of the LGBTQ community, reports News12 Long Island.

Officials say that 74-year old Robert Fehring has "threatened to shoot and use explosives on individuals, organizations and businesses associated with the community. One threat was a mass shooting that would make the 2016 Orlando Pulse Nightclub attack 'look like a cakewalk' in comparison," News 12 writes.

Fehring is accused of stealing almost two dozen pride flags back in July from Long Railroad Avenue in Sayville. In addition to finding the stolen pride flags inside his home while executing�a search warrant, police say they also found two loaded shotguns and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, adds News 12.

Federal investigators say that Fehring sent several letters threatening violence against several LGBTQ events – including one in East Meadow this past June. The FBI arrested him after he allegedly mailed letters threatening to assault shoot and bomb LGBTQ plus affiliated individuals, organizations and businesses.

"During a search of Fehring's home, federal investigators say they found photographs from that event in East Meadow, along with two loaded shotguns, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, two stun guns and an envelope containing the remains of a dead bird addressed to an LGBTQ-plus affiliated attorney," adds News

LGBTQ activist David Kilmnick, organizer of a June 2021 Pride event in East Meadow and CEO of the LGBT Network, told News 12 that he has been threatened by Fehring for years. After he reported it to Suffolk police, they told him they were investigating. He says he is relieved that the Bayport man has finally been caught.

"I'm glad that the person has been caught, but we need to take this kind of hate seriously here on Long Island and we need to put a better effort into making sure that we're protected," Kilmnick told the station.

Fehring was released on a $100,000 bond, and he will have to wear an ankle monitoring device.

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