B.A.R. Talk 12: History in Print

Jim Provenzano READ TIME: 1 MIN.

In closing our yearlong celebrations of the Bay Area Reporter's 50th anniversary, our twelfth and final monthly online panel will focus on five decades of the newspaper's history, with several current and former editors and writers. On Thursday, April 7 at 6pm PT, our Facebook page and YouTube channel will stream a live (then archived) panel.

Participants will include Publisher Michael Yamashita, Publisher Emeritus Tom Horn, News Editor Cynthia Laird, Arts & Nightlife Editor Jim Provenzano (also moderator), arts writer Cornelius Washington, arts writer Mark Norby, AIDS/Science writer Liz Highleyman, former production designer Adriana Roberts, former arts editor and porn columnist John F. Karr, former arts editor Chris Culwell, and former features editor Will Snyder.

Since 1971, the B.A.R.'s reputation as an essential forum for local news about the LGBTQ community has expanded.

Reviews and features in the arts have grown from a small community focus to national interest. Our reviews have been quoted by book publishers, film promoters and theater companies for decades. Our nightlife coverage celebrates our community while connecting to the paper's bar scene roots.

The chat will also include a slideshow of articles and ads through the B.A.R.'s five decades.

Watch live April 7, 6pm, and archived on www.youtube.com/c/BayAreaReporterSF and www.facebook.com/BayAreaReporter.

Help keep the Bay Area Reporter going in these tough times. To support local, independent, LGBTQ journalism, consider becoming a BAR member.

by Jim Provenzano

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