Luke Macfarlane, left, and Billy Eichner in a scene from "Bros." Source: Nicole Rivelli/Universal Pictures via AP

Gay Twitter Reacts to Billy Eichner's 'Bros' Flopping at Box Office


If you logged onto the internet in the past 48 hours you might have heard that Billy Eichner's LGBTQ+ romcom "Bros" didn't do so well at the box office last weekend, earning just under $5 million and coming in at No. 4. Taking to Twitter on Sunday, the out comedian, who cowrote and stars in the film, called out straight people for not seeing "Bros" while blaming homophobia for the film's poor performance.

"That's just the world we live in, unfortunately," Eichner wrote in part. "Even with glowing reviews, great Rotten Tomatoes scores, an A CinemaScore etc, straight people, especially in certain parts of the country, just didn't show up for Bros. And that's disappointing but it is what it is.

Everyone who ISN'T a homophobic weirdo should go see BROS tonight!" he added in a follow up tweet. "You will have a blast! And it *is* special and uniquely powerful to see this particular story on a big screen, esp for queer folks who don't get this opportunity often. I love this movie so much. GO BROS!!!"

His comments hit a nerve with Gay Twitter and folks didn't hold back in responding to Eichner's tweets and to share why they think "Bros" didn't succeed at the box office. Find some of the reactions below.

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