October 13, 2022
Going Out, Homing's In, Oct. 13-21, 2022
Jim Provenzano READ TIME: 28 MIN.
October's winding up to be full of fall arts and nightlife flavors, well beyond mere pumpkin spicy. Pluck your favorites from our harvest.
(Click here for listings of LGBTQ movies, TV series, podcasts and community organizations.)
Alonzo King Lines Ballet @ YBCA
The acclaimed local dance company's 40th anniversary concerts celebrate the 25-year collaborations between choreographer King and musician Zakir Hussain. $40-$115; thru Oct 16. Blue Shield Theater at Yerba Buena Center for the Arts, 700 Howard St. https://linesballet.org/lines-ballet-company/fall-2022/
"Anything Goes"
Sutton Foster stars in the recorded stage production of the classic nautical musical comedy; streaming at https://www.anythinggoesmusicalcinema.com/
"Aunt Jack" @ New Conservatory Theatre Center
Nora Brigid Monahan's comic play about a drag performer and his son; thru Oct 16. 8pm, 2pm Sun matinees. Thursdays pre-show drag acts hosted by Fran Zaya. $35-$56. 25 Van Ness Ave., lower level. https://www.nctcsf.org/
"Bad Hombres" @ Theatre Rhino (formerly Spark Arts)
Theatre Rhino presents Guillermo Reyes' new multi-character solo play performed by Rudy Guerrero, about Latinx people negotiating queer identity. $15-$20; thru Oct. 30. Also, John Fisher performs 'Banalities' Sept. 9, 8pm. 4229 18th St. http://therhino.org/
"Cabaret" @ Sixth St. Playhouse, Santa Rosa
The classic Kander & Ebb musical set in Weimar Germany gets a North Bay production; $35-$43; extended thru Oct. 16. 52 W. 6th St, Santa Rosa. https://6thstreetplayhouse.com/
Circus Bella @ Bay Area parks
The entertaining kid-friendly circus's new show, 'Flip Flop Fly,' plays at various locations. Oct. 15-23. https://www.circusbella.org/flipflopfly
"Company" @ Saratoga Civic Theater
South Bay Musical Theatre's new production of Stephen Sondheim and George Furth's 1970 musical comedy about a single man amid several couples. $20-$55; thru Oct. 15. 13777 Fruitvale Ave., Saratoga. https://southbaymt.com
"Dear San Francisco" @ Club Fugazi
The 'high-flying love story' weaves local history with acrobatic theatrics and live music by The 7 Fingers company, now with new cast members, and a full food and beverage menu, celebrated its one-year residency; extended through 2022. $35-$99. 678 Green St. https://www.clubfugazisf.com/
"Dunsinane" @ Marin Theatre Company, Mill Valley
Marin Theatre Company's production of David Greig's lively imagined sequel to Shakespeare's 'Macbeth' that explores one man's attempt to restore peace in a country consumed by war. $25-$60.50; thru Oct. 16. 397 Miller Ave, Mill Valleyhttps://www.marintheatre.org/
Ghost Hunt Walking Tour
Charming magician Christian Cagigal leads walking tours in Pacific Heights with spooky tales about multiple houses and locations; includes a cocktail and card trick show. $30-$100 (VIP Halloween weekend); thru Oct 31. https://www.sfghosthunt.com/
"Indecent" @ SF Playhouse
New production of Paula Vogel's play based on the real-life events surrounding the scandalous Broadway debut of Sholem Asch's 'God of Vengeance,' considered to be a seminal work of Yiddish theatre by some, and a piece of traitorous libel by others; thru Nov. 5. 450 Post St. https://www.sfplayhouse.org/sfph/
"Jagged Little Pill, the Musical" @ Golden Gate Theatre
Musical about a dysfunctional family, with songs by Alanis Morrissette. $66.50-$47.50; thru Nov. 6. 1 Taylor St. at Market. https://www.broadwaysf.com
Lamplighters Music Theatre @ Herbst Theatre
The company known for their productions of Gilbert & Sullivan operettas celebrates its 70th anniversary in 'Choirstarter, or Some Like It Haunted,' a champagne gala and performance of a musical parody of Stephen King stories. $75-$100. Oct. 16, 3pm, 401 Van Ness Ave. - also Simulcast online ($50). https://lamplighters.org/
"Lockdown Comedy"
Lisa Gedig hosts the monthly online comedy show, with Candy Shaw, Nick Leonard, Ying Vigilan, and Lisa's mom, Arline. Oct. 20, 7pm. www.CityBoxOffice.com/LockdownComedy
"Moulin Rouge! The Musical" @ Orpheum Theatre
Broadway SF presents the touring company of the hit Broadway musical inspired by the Baz Lurmann film. $61-$122; thru Nov. 6. 1192 Market St. https://broadwaysf.com/ (Read our review.)
New Roots Theatre Festival @ Brava Theater Center
SF BATCO presents eight new theater works that focus on LGBT and BIPOC themes. Kickoff fundraiser Oct. 13 with Ry Annicole and SF Poet Laureate Tongo Eisen-Martin ($30-$100). Oct. 14-16. 2781 24th St. https://www.sfbatco.org/nrtf-2022
"On Beckett" @ Toni Rembe Theater
Award-Winning actor Bill Irwin performs his solo show about his many years performing the plays of Samuel Beckett, particularly 'Waiting for Godot.' $25-$115. Oct. 19-23. 415 Geary St. https://www.act-sf.org/
"A Picture of Two Boys" @ New Conservatory Theatre Center
World premiere of Nick Malakhow's drama about two young gay men who hoe to leave their racist small Pennsylvania town. $25-$37. Oct. 21-Nov. 27. 25 Van Ness Ave., lower level. https://www.nctcsf.org
"The Red Shades: A Trans Superhero Rock Opera" @ Z Space
Adrienne Price's rock musical about a teenage trans girl who joins a gang of Tenderloin trans superheroes. Oct. 19-Nov. 5. Sliding scale $15-$30. 450 Florida St. http://www.zspace.org/
"the ripple, the wave that carried me home" @ Berkeley Repertory
World premiere of Tony-nominated playwright Christina Anderson's commissioned new play, a poignant, transporting, and quietly subversive story of racial justice, political legacy, and family forgiveness. $28-$83; thru Oct. 16. 2025 Addison St., Berkeley. www.berkeleyrep.org
San Francisco Opera @ War Memorial Opera House
Live and online performances; Francis Poulenc's 'Dialogues of the Carmelites,' (French; English supertitles) Oct. 15, 18, 21, 26, 30 (live streamed Oct. 21, on-demand Oct. 22-24). 301 Van Ness Ave. https://sfopera.com/
Sean Dorsey Dance
The local trans and queer dance company is featured in a KQED documentary.
Solo Shows @ The Marsh
New and return engagements with acclaimed local storyteller/performers. Tina D'Elia's queer telenovela, 'Overlooked Latinas,' thru Oct 29 (Read our review.). Brian Copeland's 'Grandma & Me: an Ode to Single Parents,' thru Oct. 22. Alicia Dattner's 'Are You Dressed for the Apocalypse?' thru Oct. 23. Irma Herrera's 'Why Would I Mispronounce My Own Name?' thru Oct. 21. $25-$100. 1062 Valencia St. www.themarsh.org
"Zack & Siah, or Jesus in a Body Bag" @ Custom Made Theatre
Custom Made performs Jeffrey Lo's irreverent comedy that follows two of Jesus' homies as they try to keep their friend's reputation alive. $20-$30; thru Oct. 16. 414 Mason St. https://www.custommade.org/
Anthony Christian Ocampo @ Book Passage
The author of 'Brown and Gay in LA: The Lives of Immigrant Sons' discusses his acclaimed book. Oct. 13, 5pm. 1 Ferry bldg. https://www.bookpassage.com/
Aunt Lute Anniversary
Online reading celebrating 40 years of the radical feminist LGBT-inclusive book publisher, with authors Ginny Z. Berson, Julian Delgado Lopera, Veronica Sandoval, ire'ne lara silva, and Zenju Earthlyn Manuel. Free. Oct. 19, 6pm. www.eventbrite.com
Events & Exhibits @ SF Public Library
Online and in-person author events. Also, check out books and DVDs, see various book-themed exhibits. 100 Larkin St. www.sfpl.org
Georgia Harkness Lecture
Pacific School of Religion's Center for LGBTQ and Gender Studies presents Rabbi Julia Watts Belser, who explores the embodied ethics and spiritual insights of Claire Cunningham's Thank You Very Much, a contemporary dance performance that brings queer disability culture into provocative conversation with the glittering world of Elvis tribute artists. Oct. 20, 2:30pm. Online via Zoom.
Hy Thurman & Kwame Shakur ; Lynn Crawford @ Mcroskey Mattress Co.
The Green Arcade bookstore presents the two authors in discussion on race and incarceration. Oct. 18, 6:30pm. Friends of the late author Crawford discuss her gay and AIDS-themed novel, 'My Blue Coiling Snake, My Empty Room,' Oct. 29, 6:30pm. 1687 Market St. https://thegreenarcade.com/
LGBT Events @ Fabulosa Books
In-store and online monthly book club group discussion of literary works. Oct. 17, 7pm: author Leslie Absher discusses her memoir 'Spy Daughter.' Oct. 18, 7pm: Cheryl Klein, author of 'Crybaby' and Kristin L. Kali, author of 'Queer Conception.' 489 Castro St. https://www.fabulosabooks.com/
The annual Bay Area-wide literary festival includes dozens of readings, talks, workshops, parties and author appearances, thru Oct. 22, with the closing night Lit Crawl at venues along Valencia Street. https://www.litquake.org/
Perfectly Queer
Online reading with authors gay Louis Flint Ceci, Cary Alan Johnson, and M.D. Neu. Oct. 19, 7pm. Zoom link: perfectlyqueersf@gmail.com
"Queer Words"
Listen to online literary chats hosted by author Wayne Goodman, with guests Kelliane Parker, Brian Broome, Michael Nava, Vi Khi Nao, Anne Shade, Brontez Purnell, Christopher Castellani, the late Leslie Cohen and many others. https://queerwords.org/
Stephan Ferris @ Oasis, Mr. S
Book launch events for the author's (aka former porn performer Blue Bailey) memoir, 'Blue Movie: Scenes from the Life of a Sexual Outlaw.' Free. Oct. 19, 8pm. 298 11th St. www.eventbrite.com Oct. 21, 5pm at Mr. S, 385 8th St. https://www.mr-s-leather.com/
Adam Lambert @ Paramount Theatre, Oakland
The fab gay pop music singer performs his 'Witch Hunt' songs and possibly some Queen hits. $30-$100. Oct. 19, 8pm. 2025 Broadway. https://www.paramountoakland.org/ https://adamlambert.net/
Ashkenaz Music & Dance Community Center
International music and dance concerts. 1317 San Pablo Ave., Berkeley. https://www.ashkenaz.com/
Cal Performances @ UC Berkeley
Music and dance concerts and more. Bancroft Way at Dana St., Berkeley. calperformances.org
Eden Espinosa @ Orinda Theatre
The star of 'Wicked,' 'Rent' and other musicals performs her cabaret concert. Oct 16, 5pm. 1 Orinda Square. https://www.orindamovies.com/
Feinstein's at the Nikko
The upscale nightclub presents cabaret concerts. Oct. 14 & 15, 8pm: jazz pianist Peter Concotti; $75. Hotel Nikko, 222 Mason St. https://www.feinsteinssf.com/
Great American Music Hall
Enjoy live music at the classic venue. 859 O'Farrell St. https://gamh.com/
The Lost Church
Intimate music and theater venue presents local and touring performers in a variety of styles. 988 Columbus Ave. https://thelostchurch.org/
Noe Music
In-person and online concerts in many genres; classical, folk, early music. Oct. 16, 4pm: violinist Owen Dalby with pianist Stephen Prutsman perform Beethoven's second and third sonatas; $15-$45. 1021 Sanchez St. https://www.noemusic.org/
Noontime Concerts @ Old Saint Mary's Cathedral
Enjoy weekly concerts in a variety of genres, Tuesdays at 12:30pm. 660 California St. www.noontimeconcerts.org
Old First Concerts
Enjoy in-person, live-streamed and archived music concerts of classic, and contemporary music. Oct. 16, 4pm: Strobe Obie Quartet. 1751 Sacramento St. https://www.oldfirstconcerts.org
"Queer Vibes"
LGBT musicians perform a variety of genres in Season 2 of the show, on the LGBT Center's YouTube channel.
San Francisco Bach Choir @ Calvary Presbyterian Church
Weekly online concerts of classical music and other genres. Oct. 16, 4pm: 'Tesoros Dorados: Treasures of the Spanish New World.' Free/$35; online option, too. 2515 Fillmore St. https://sfbach.org/
San Francisco Gay Men's Chorus
Enjoy music videos and programs online. www.sfgmc.org
San Francisco Performances @ Herbst Theatre
Winter season of chamber music, classical and vocal concerts and recitals. 401 Van Ness Ave. http://sfperformances.org/
San Francisco Symphony @ Davies Symphony Hall
In-person and online concerts. 201 Van Ness Ave. http://www.sfsymphony.org/
SF Jazz
The acclaimed venue brings their concert series online with talented musicians, and has returned to in-person concerts. 201 Franklin St. https://www.sfjazz.org
The elegant nightclub-restaurant features jazz and R&B musicians. 510 Embarcadero West, Oakland. https://yoshis.com
111 Minna Gallery
In-person Thursday 5pm-11pm sketch events have returned in conjunction with show by Alec Huxley and Robert Bowen. 111 Minna St. 111minnagallery.com
Angelic/Trimble Gallery
Unusual art exhibits; 1275 Minnesota St. https://www.anglimtrimble.com/
Gallerists James Bacchi and Annette Schutz showcase multiple visual artists. 228 Townsend St. http://www.arthaus-sf.com/main-gallery/
Art Visit
Meet with visual artists in your area at their studios. https://artvisit.org
Art Works Downtown, San Rafael
'Hope is a Discipline,' a group exhibit of LGBT Bay Area artists, featuring Libby Black, Craig Calderwood, Jamil Hellu, Jaime Knight, Wei Keong Tan and Corrie Wille; curated by Marc Mayer; thru Nov. 11. Artists reception Oct. 15, 5pm-8pm. 1325 4th St., San Rafael. http://artworksdowntown.org/
Asian Art Museum
'Into View: Bernice Bing,' 20 works by the contemporary artist. 'Carlos Villa: Worlds in Collision,' and 'Seeing Gender,' a selection of works that reveal the complexities and nuances of gender across Asian art. 'Memento: Jayashree Chakravarty' and 'Lam Tung Pang, After Hope: Videos of Resistance,' 'Zheng Chongbin: I Look for the Sky,' and historic works. Fri-Mon 10am-5pm. Thu 1pm-8pm. 200 Larkin St. asianart.org
Berkeley Art Center
Diverse art exhibits. 1275 Walnut St., Berkeleyhttps://www.berkeleyartcenter.org
Berkeley Art Museum/Pacific Film Archive
'Undoing Time,' installations focusing on mass incarceration; thru Dec. 18. Whitney Bradshaw's 'Outcry,' a response to the alarming rollback of women's rights; thru Nov. 8. Alison Knowles retrospective thru Dec. 18. 'Quilts, Blankets, and Tapestry: Contemporary Art and Textiles,' 'Ron Nagle: Handsome Drifter, Folk and Modern Art in Postcolonial India' and art films streamed online and screened outdoors (BYO chairs). 2155 Center St., Berkeley. www.bampfa.org
"Beyond Binary" @ SF State Fine Arts Gallery
Diverse media exhibit of works by trans and non-binary identifying artists, thru Oct. 27. SF State campus, 1600 Holloway. https://gallery.sfsu.edu/
California Academy of Sciences
The fascinating science museum includes live creatures (aquarium, terrarium) and educational exhibits. New; 'Bugs,' a fascinating giant-plants-scale insect-view exhibit. 'Wander Woods,' an outdoor kids and families play space. Also, 'Living Worlds,' a planetarium show. Mon-Sat 9:30am-5pm. Sun 11am-5pm. 55 Music Concourse Drive, Golden Gate Park. https://www.calacademy.org/
Cartoon Art Museum
Melissa Pagluica's art, part of the Emerging Artist Showcase; also, 'Keith Knight's 'Woke,'' the local Black cartoonist's exhibit ('The K Chronicles'); 'The Legend of Wonder Woman,' an exhibition celebrating 80 years of DC Comics' iconic Amazon. Sat & Sun 11am-5pm. 781 Beach St. www.cartoonart.org
Castro Art Mart
Monthly first Sundays outdoor array of local artists and craftspeople selling wares. Free, 11am-6pm, Noe St at Market. https://artyhoodsf.com/castro-art-mart/
Catharine Clark Gallery
Sandow Birk's powerful exhibition, 'White Out (New Paintings for the US Capitol) and his panoramic drawing, 'A Walk in the Park (Insurrection - Jan. 6, 2021),' which depicts the procession from the White House to the Capitol Building; on view through October 22. Also; Arlene Correa's touching immigration-themed textiles. 248 Utah St. https://cclarkgallery.com/
Chabot Space & Science Center
Programs include live science programs each Wed., 10:30am, virtual telescope viewings each Sat. 9pm. Free/$15. 10000 Skyline Blvd, Oakland (opens in Nov.). chabotspace.org
Chinese Cultural Center
Exhibition of new work by Bay Area-based contemporary ceramic artist Cathy Lu. 750 Kearny St. https://www.cccsf.us/
Conservatory of Flowers
Beautiful indoor and outdoor floral exhibits in the classic arboretum; special events and parties return soon. 100 JFK Drive, Golden Gate Park. Free/$12. www.conservatoryofflowers.org
Contemporary Jewish Museum
'Gillian Laub: Family Matters,' an exhibit of her family portraits. 'Tikkun: For the Cosmos, the Community, and Ourselves' presents works by 30 Bay Area–based contemporary artists working in fabric sculptures and other media in taking on the theme of 'repair' (tikkun); thru Jan. 8. 'Oz is for Oznowicz: A Puppet Family's History,' a paired exhibit about Frank Oz and his local family arts connection; thru Nov. 27. Free/$16. 736 Mission St. thecjm.org
David Ireland House
Home converted into an intimate gallery of unusual art projects. 500 Capp St. https://500cappstreet.org/
de Young Museum
'Ramses the Great and the Gold of the Pharaohs,' a fascinating multi-part exhibit of Egyptian antiquities, jewelry, sarcophagi, even cat mummies, and special virtual reality consoles; thru Feb 12, 2023. Also, 'Faith Ringgold: American People,' an exhibit of Black historical and personal paintings, quilts and soft sculptures; thru Nov. 27. Also, the Obama portraits by Kehinde Wiley; 'Nampeyo and the Sikyatki Revival,' thru Feb. 2023; and, collections of American, African, Oceanic, costume arts, sculpture and more. Tue-Sun 9:30am-5:15pm. 50 Hagiwara Tea Garden Drive. deyoung.famsf.org
Exhibits @ SF Public Library
Book displays at the James C. Hormel LGBTQIA Center, 3rd floor. Also, book exhibits on the 6th floor. 100 Larkin St. https://sfpl.org/
Exploratorium Events
Talks, and demos with a science theme, including comet-cam and more; weekly After Dark nighttime parties have returned. Pier 15. www.exploratorium.edu
Gallery Wendi Norris
'Uncovering Alice Rahon,' the artist's first solo gallery exhibition in 45 years; 17 works in oil and sand painting, assemblage, and sculpture, through Nov. 5. 436 Jackson St. https://www.gallerywendinorris.com
GLBT History Museum
'Out in the World: Ireland's LGBTQ+ Diaspora.' Online exhibits include 'Stories of Our Movement: Bay Area Reporter at 50.' Also, 'Legendary: African American LGBTQ Past Meets Present, Fighting Back,' a series that brings together community leaders, experts, historians and activists to explore lessons from the past that might be useful in formulating resistance efforts today; 'Reigning Queens: the Lost Photos of Roz Joseph,' curated by Joseph Plaster; and other exhibits. Online events as well. 4127 18th St. www.glbthistory.org
Gregangelo Museum
Take tours at the 27-room mansion filled with eccentric unusual interactive artworks and performances. www.gregangelomuseum.com
Gray Area
Unusual and contemporary art exhibits and installations. 2665 Mission St. https://grayarea.org/
Harvey Milk Photo Center
View exhibits of masterful photographic art; also online galleries. Bryan Locke's 'Hot Walker,' an exhibit of stunning black and white photos set at a horse racetrack; thru Oct 15. 50 Scott St. https://www.harveymilkphotocenter.org/
Jenkins Johnson Gallery
Online solo and group exhibits of works by Philomela Williamson, Alex Jackson, and others. https://www.jenkinsjohnsongallery.com
"Juanita: 30 Years of MORE!" @ SF Arts Commission Gallery
Visual celebration of the local drag star, DJ, activist and nightlife icon in portraits, posters, photos and gowns by Mr. David (Glamamore); thru Nov. 12. Oct. 28, 7pm: Juanita's birthday bash. 401 Van Ness Ave. (Read our interview with Juanita.)
Land's End @ Former Cliff House
Group exhibit of artists' varied works where their charge is twofold: to discover artwork in unlikely places and to consider the planet's health. 1090 Point Lobos Ave. https://www.for-site.org
Legion of Honor
'Guo Pei: Couture Fantasy,' the first extensive exhibition of the designer's work, bringing together more than 80 ensembles from the past two decades; extended thru Nov. 27. Also, European and ancient art, giant Renaissance landscapes and historic paintings, plus classical sculptures and contemporary works, from Degas, Manet, Caillebotte and Vuillard to Egyptian, Greek and Roman artifacts; also, Wangechi Mutu's fascinating modern outdoor and indoor sculptures. Uue-Sun, 9:30am-5:15pm. Free/$15. legionofhonor.famsf.org
Leslie Ewing @ Rockridge Cafe, Oakland
Queer activist's comics on display at the cafe; thru Oct. 26. 5492 College Ave., Oakland. https://www.rockridgecafe.com/ http://www.leslieewing.com/
Letterform Archive
'Strikethrough: Typographic Messages,' an exhibit of varies protest movement posters and graphics by Emory Douglas, Favianna Rodriguez, Jenny Holzer, W.E.B Dubois, ACT UP, Amos Kennedy, Jr., Corita Kent, Atelier Populaire, Guerrilla Girls, Ben Shahn and others. 2325 3rd St. https://letterformarchive.org/
Lost Art Salon
Intimate gallery exhibits small and unusual works of note by contemporary and early 20th-century artists. 245 S. Van Ness. #303. https://lostartsalon.com
Manna Gallery
'Flux,' Elaine Maute's exhibit of paintings. Also, Orlando Smith retrospective. 473 25th St., Oakland. https://www.mannagallery.com/
McEvoy Foundation for the Arts
Exhibition 'Color Code' thru Jan. 21. 1150 20th St. https://www.mcevoyarts.org/event/head-bangers/
Minnesota Street Art Project
Multiple galleries (Nancy Toomey Fine Art, Municipal Bonds, The Jones Institute and more) host different artist exhibits. 1275 Minnesota St. https://minnesotastreetproject.com/
Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts
Exhibits of art by Latino artists, plus events. 2869 Mission St. missionculturalcenter.org
"Monster Drawing Rally" @ Southern Exposure
The 48th annual fun fundraiser where 100 artists race against the clock to make art for sale. $15-$25. Oct. 15, 3pm-9pm. 3030 20th St. https://soex.org/
Museum of the African Diaspora
Exhibits include 'The New Black Vanguard: Photography between Art and Fashion,' thru March 5; also, award-winning films, talks and music performances focusing on Black artists in multiple media. 685 Mission St. www.moadsf.org
Museum of Craft & Design
'Iris Eichenberg: Where Words Fail,' thru Oct. 30; and other exhibits online. www.sfmcd.org
"My Park Moment" @ Presidio
Large-scale outdoor exhibit of visitor-submitted images in local and regional state parks; at the new Tunnel Tops. www.presidiotunneltops.gov
NIAD Exhibits
The art studio for developmentally disabled adults shares in-person online exhibits and sells beautiful works of art; in-person window displays and weekly online exhibitions. www.niadartstore.org
Oakland Museum
'Angela Davis: Seize the Time,' an exhibit examining the image, influence, and activism of the Oakland-based icon; thru June 11, 2023. 'Hella Feminist,' an exhibit that combines art and historical artifacts to show the diverse individual and collective stories of feminism; thru Jan 8, 2023. 'You Are Here: California Stories on the Map,' thru 2022, 'Black Power' and 'Dorothea Lange: Photography as Activism,' both ongoing. Friday night interactive displays and live music. 1000 Oak St., Oakland. museumca.org
The Pink and Purple Church in the Castro
Online multimedia exhibit documenting the history of Metropolitan Community Church, its LGBTQ-inclusive services and outreach through the AIDS pandemic. http://arspgallery.com/mccsf-exhibit-main/
"Pride and Progress"
The Victory Fund's online exhibit showcases a timeline of LGBT political history. https://www.prideandprogress.org/
"Project Press Play" @ Oakland Asian Cultural Center
Exhibition of art in Edward Gunewan's comic book about a queer Asian immigrant dealing with mental health issues. In-person events through the exhibit run. https://www.projectpressplay.com/exhibition
Queer Arts Featured
New LGBTQ-owned pop-up gallery set in the former site of Harvey Milk's camera shop. 575 Castro St. www.queerartsfeatured.com
Robert Koch Gallery
Contemporary artists exhibits. 49 Geary St. https://kochgallery.com/
Schlomer Haus Gallery
New Castro/Duboce gay-owned art gallery's new group show, 'Photo Realness; The Queer Aesthetics of Photography' with works by Zackary Drucker, Clifford Prince King, Matt Lipps, Alec Marchant, Joe Sinness, and Suzanne Wright; curated by Christopher Tradowsky. 2128 Market St. Tue-Sat 12pm to 6pm and by appointment. https://schlomerhaus.com/
SF Botanical Garden
Beautiful spacious gardens with multiple plants, trees and flowers. Free entry for SF residents; others $3-$10. 1199 9th Ave., Golden Gate Park. https://www.sfbg.org
SF Museum of Modern Art
'Shifting the Silence,' a group exhibit of 32 women artists, and 'Speculative Portraits,' an exploration of portraiture and identity. Also, Diego Rivera's massive 1940 mural 'Pan American Unity' on display during its restoration, plus 'Diego Rivera's America,' an exhibit of his paintings. Also, Joan Mitchell retrospective' 'Constellations: Photographs in Dialogue.' and Pop, Abstract, and Figurative art collections. Free/$25; reserved, timed ticketing. Mon 10am-5pm. Thu 1pm-8pm. Fri-Sun 10am-5pm. First Thursdays free. 151 Third St. www.sfmoma.org
SOMArts Cultural Center
'To Love and Be Loved in Return,' group exhibition Dia de Los Muertos 2022 honors the lessons learned from the dead; thru Nov. 4. (Read our article.) 934 Brannan St. www.somarts.org
Southern Exposure
Unusual art and installations and online projects. 3030 20th St. https://soex.org
Tenderloin Museum
New and permanent exhibits of neighborhood history. 398 Eddy St. http://www.tenderloinmuseum.org/
Thacher Gallery, University of San Francisco
'Soft Power,' recent projects by Alexander Hernandez, who blends queer immigrant narratives into bold and sometimes whimsical fabric sculptures; thru Nov. 6. 2130 Fulton St. www.usfca.edu/thacher-gallery
Walt Disney Family Museum
Located in The Presidio, the museum dedicated to the art of Disney films hosts online and in-person exhibits, classes and events. Thru Jan. 8, 2023: 'Walt Disney's The Jungle Book: Making a Masterpiece,' and 'Creative Conservation: The Art of Endangered Animals.' 104 Montgomery St. www.waltdisney.org
"We Were There"
Online tours of art museums, showcasing hidden and overlooked LGBT themes, subjects and artists. http://wewerethere.org/
Online exhibit showcases photos and historic paintings of sex workers by 19 artists, from the late 19th Century of Edouard Manet and Henri De Toulouse-Lautrec to modern day contemporaries such as Felix Gonzalez-Torres, David Hockney, Nan Goldin, Bruce LaBruce and Margie Schnibbe. NSFW. www.artreporttoday.com
"Would You Be Caught Dead In That Outfit? - Que Perra Mi Amiga!" @ Pacific Felt Factory
Julia Delgado Lopera and Rebeka Rodriguez's installation/archival project about legendary intergenerational histories of trans Latinas on San Francisco's 16th Street. 2830 29th St. www.pacificfeltfactory.com
Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
Unusual modern art exhibits; also, film screenings, murals, and tours. Lobby art: Taravat Talepasand's 'Peace in the Middle East.' Coming up Oct. 20: 'Brett Cook & Liz Lerman: Reflection & Action.' 701 Mission St. https://ybca.org
440 Castro
Friendly neighborhood bar has ample outdoor seating, and indoor drink specials, Monday underwear parties and two bars. 440 Castro St. http://www.the440.com/
After Dark @ Exploratorium
Evening cocktail parties return to the interactive science museum, with different themes; Thursdays 6pm-10pm. Pier 15 (Embarcadero at Green St.) https://www.exploratorium.edu/
Asia SF
Dining, nightlife and classy drag performers mix at the popular SoMa club; dinner shows from $59-$79. 201 9th St. https://asiasf.com/
Aunt Charlie's Lounge
The intimate bar serves strong drinks and hosts frequent drag shows. Oct. 13, 9pm-2am: Tubesteak Connection returns, with DJ Bus Station John, at a benefit for Prince Wolf's medical expenses. 133 Turk St. https://www.facebook.com/events/3423443937890116/
Bearrison Street Fair @ SoMa
Second annual outdoor fun festival of bear men and their pals, with DJed and live music acts, The Boys of Burlesque and musicians, drinks, food, queer pro wrestling and more. Gate donations benefit the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence. 12pm-6pm. https://www.bearrison.org/ (Read our article.)
Nightlife's hopping at the popular Market Street club, with drag entertainers, gogo studs, drinks and food. Oct. 2: Castro Street Fair after-party with drag acts, logos hosted by Adriana Roy, 4pm-2am. Shangri-La second Saturdays. Big Top Sundays with studly gogos. Drag brunch Sat & Sun, 2pm & 4pm. Pan Dulce Wednesdays. https://www.beauxsf.com/
Club 1220
Walnut Creek's gay bar, with drag shows, karaoke and dance nights. 1220 Pine St., Walnut Creek. https://club1220.com/
Club OMG
Intimate mid-Market nightclub includes DJed dancing, drag shows and a karaoke night. 43 6th St. http://www.clubomgsf.com/
Dirty Habit, Hotel Zelos
Hotel's fifth-floor bar/restaurant hosts its Thursday night Second Summer Outdoor Movie Series, thru Oct. 20, plus Tuesday night street food and other rooftop events. 12 4th St. www.viceroyhotelsandresorts.com
Diwali Dance Party @ Rise SF
Celebrate Diwali, the Festival of Lights, co-presented by Parivar Bay Area & GLBTQ+ Asian Pacific Alliance, with DJs DrewBad and Precaution. Oct. 15, 9:30pm-2am. 1538 Fillmore St. www.simpletix.com/e/rize-sf-diwali-dance-party-tickets-116627
DNA Lounge
SoMa nightclub hosts many queer-friendly events. Oct. 15, 2pm-7pm: the Big Muscle Bears Party Bearrison edition, with DJ Paul Goodyear and the Bare Chest Calendar men. $20-$30. 475 11th St. https://www.dnalounge.com/
Drag Brunch at Curio
Rexy hosts 12pm & 2pm drag shows (with Kylie Minono, Kipper Snacks, Bionka Simone) with brunch. 775 Valencia St. https://www.curiobarsf.com/
The Edge
Musical Wednesdays, Beards & Booze and other events have returned to the popular bar. 4149 18th St. www.edgesf.com
The EndUp
Historic SoMa nightclub hosts straight, gay and whatever late-night dance events. 401 6th St. https://theendupsf.com/
Fireside Lounge, Alameda
Woman-owned LGBT-friendly bar with live shows, outdoor lounge, cool cocktails. 1453 Webster St. https://www.thefiresidelounge.com/
Golden Bull, Oakland
LGBT-friendly bar presents diverse live music acts; Queeraoke on 2nd and 4th Sundays at 7pm. 412 14th St. https://goldenbullbar.com/
The Hole in the Wall
Local rock DJs like Don Baird play at the SoMa 'friendly neighborhood gay biker bar.' 1369 Folsom St. https://blackwolfmetal.com/ Also, listen online: https://www.twitch.tv/donbaird
How Weird Street Fair
Burners and hippies and groovies, oh my, at the annual outdoor fair, with DJed music, food, drinks, art and more. $20-$35. Oct. 15, Howard Street at 2nd. 12pm-8pm. www.eventbrite.com
SoMa queer and woman/trans-owned nightclub and restaurant; Coyote Queer, second Saturdays, with DJs Koslov & Livv, costume contest. Queer Karaoke Thursdays; UHaul SF, Fridays. Sunday brunch drag show 11am-5pm. 2700 16th St. http://jolenessf.com/index.html
The Castro bar with a panoramic view; ongoing: Bounce (Sat. nights), Lips & Lashes Drag Brunch with host Carnie Asada (Sat. afternoons), Jock (Sunday nights). 3600 16th St. http://www.lookoutsf.com/
Lone Star Saloon
DJed events at the historic bear bar, plus regular nights of rock music and patio hangouts. 1354 Harrison St. https://www.lonestarsf.com/
The intimate martini bar hosts music cabaret acts. Pianist Russell Deason hosts the fun weekly Monday Happy Hour open mic gathering. 5:30pm-8:30pm. 4 Valencia St. at Market.
Midnight Sun
The popular bar celebrates 50 years; Timeline Tuesdays, Honeypot Fridays with gogo studs; Galaxy Saturday nights with DJ Lu; K-Pop and drag shows like Munro's at Midnight, 10pm Monday nights. 4067 18th St. https://www.midnightsunsf.com/
Milk SF
Queer cafe in the Mission offers coffee, pastries, food, local drag shows. Sober Karaoke on 4th Wednesdays, 6pm-9:30pm. 302 Valencia St. https://www.milk-sf.com/
Moby Dick
Popular neighborhood bar known for its colorful aquarium and tasty drinks celebrates 40 years. 4049 18th St. https://www.facebook.com/MobyDickBar/
Muevelo @ Que Rico, Oakland
Enjoy the new nightclub's weekly dance party with DJed grooves, drag divas, and gogo studs. Fridays, $10 and up, 9:30pm-3am. 381 15th St., Oakland. www.quericonightclub.com
Shows include Princess, the weekly Saturday night drag show, 10pm-2am. Reparations, the all-Black drag show, Oct. 14, 10pm-2am. Art Hoe: Vol II, Thursdays, 10pm thru Oct. 'Sqream,' D'Arcy Drollinger's new '90s musical drag parody, Oct. 14-Nov 5. Karaoke & Cocktails with Emma Peel, Tuesdays, 7pm-11pm. Oct. 16, 7pm-12am: Some Are Camp's Beautiful Creatures masquerade ball. Oct, 19, 8pm: book launch with author Stephan Ferris (aka Blue Bailey). Oct. 19, 8pm: 'That She Blows,' a drag take on Melville's 'Moby-Dick.' 398 11th St. www.sfoasis.com
Port Bar, Oakland
Shake It Up Saturdays; Women's night Sundays; Wednesdays are a Drag shows at 9pm, 10pm & 11pm; Big Gay Trivia on Tuesdays; Thursdays, Karaoke Star hosted by Amoura Teese; also weekend drag brunch. 2023 Broadway. www.portbaroakland.com|
Powerhouse Bar
Popular cruise SoMa bar; Underwear Thursdays; Juanita MORE's Powerblouse (fun drag makeovers; Aug. 6: Raul Anthony Gomez) 1st Saturdays, Glamamore's Pillows drag show on Mondays; and Beat Pig, 3rd Saturdays. 1347 Folsom St. https://www.powerhousebar.com/
Puff! @ Joy Reserve
The queer cannabis drag party, hosted by DJ Dank, in a special Halloween night with DJ Sergio Fedasz, Carl with Records, Christina Ashton, Tawdry Hepburn, Pina Busch, Oliver Branch, Mama Dora, Thee Pristine Condition, Kelly Rose, Candi Mint, Puppetmaster Rich, Brandilicious, Sunshine and more; snacks, edibles, cocktails, a stoner raffle with prizes. $20. Oct. 13, 7pm. 865 Market St., Westfield Mall, level 2. https://eventhi.io/event/the-joy-of-puff-halloween-party-6901
Que Rico
LGBT Latinx nightclub features cute gogo guys and fun drag shows, DJed dance floor, brunch and dinner menus, too. 381 15th St., Oakland. www.quericonightclub.com
"The Queen's Ball: A Bridgerton Experience" @ SVN West
Immersive Regency Court experience, with live music, cocktails, actors playing roles from the hit TV series, including the Queen. $45 and up. 16+. Festive attire suggested. 10 Van Ness Ave. https://bridgertonexperience.com/san-francisco/
GLBT Historical Society Gala @ Green Room
'Reunion' is the theme of the the Society's annual festive gala, with cocktails, awards program, drinks, desserts and a silent auction featuring historic LGBT photos and ephemera. $135 and up. Oct. 19, 6pm-9pm. War Memorial and Performing Arts Center, 401 Van Ness Ave. https://www.glbthistory.org/reunion
El Rio
The popular bar with a spacious outdoor patio hosts multiple LGBTQ events, including Hard French (Oct. 8), Daytime Realness, a drag show hosted by Heklina, Mango, live bands, comedy and more. 3158 Mission St. https://www.elriosf.com/
Roller Disco @ Church of 8 Wheels
Roller-skating nights with groovy tunes, plus skate rentals. $5-$15. 554 Fillmore St. http://www.churchof8wheels.com/
SF Eagle
The famed leather bar has numerous events; BLUF Cigar Buddies 2nd Fridays; monthly Lair with host Suppository Spelling; Frolic cosplay/furry party, 2nd Saturdays, 8pm-2am. Sunday beverage bust, 3pm-7pm, $10-$15. (http://frolicparty.com/) 398 12th St. https://thesfeagle.com/
Suavecito @ Space 550
Valentino Presents and Club Papi present a weekly Latin dance night with DJs Mike, Mr. Biggs, and Lola; Sonora Tropicana band, drag acts, gogo guys, three dance rooms, outdoor lounge. Saturdays, $15-$25. 9:30pm-3am. 550 Barneveld Ave. www.suavecitosf.com
Summer of Pride @ Angel Island
Drag performer Pattie Gonia an d The North Face host celebrating queerness in the outdoors. Oct. 15, 9am-3pm. Depart from Ferry Bldg., Embarcadero. Register online
"The Summoning" @ SF Mint
Peaches Christ, David Flower Productions, and Non Plus Ultra's new interactive spooky tour through multiple live performer's haunting fun. $55-$75; VIP parties also available; thru Nov. 5. 85 5th St. https://www.intothedarksf.com/
Sundance Saloon @ Space 550
The (mostly) Country music line-dancing, two-stepping nights (Sundays and Thursdays) has returned. $5, 5pm-10:30pm. 550 Barneveld Ave. www.sundancesaloon.org
Thighs Wide Shut @ Saint Joseph's Arts Society
SF Baloney's new unique alluring masquerade performance/immersive party, where costumes are encouraged, masks mandatory, and inhibitions unleashed in a dark burlesque mystery. $65-$100. Oct 14 & 15, 8pm. 1401 Howard St. www.sfbaloney.com
Twin Peaks
Enjoy a great view and strong drinks at the historic tavern. 401 Castro St. https://www.twinpeakstavern.com/
"Unhinged: Nightshade's Curse" @ Winchester Mystery House, San Jose
Spooky immersive show/tour through the beautiful 'haunted' mansion; also, 'Walk With Spirits,' 'Houdini's Spirit Escape,' and other tours, meals and drinks for sale. $65 and up. thru Oct. 31. 525 South Winchester Road, San Jose. https://winchestermysteryhouse.com/
"Vehement: Devilettes from Mars" @ Berber
A drag space horror spectacle in an immersive no-seating show, with performers Mss Vee, Teresa Guidcoohie, Starya, DJ Trevor Pearson and others; Wear your most extreme science-fiction-inspired attire and spacewalk along a starry runway for the costume contest. $45. Oct. 20, 9pm-12am. 1516 Broadway. https://www.berbersf.com/
White Horse Bar
Enjoy outdoor dining and drinks at the famous Oakland bar; monthly music nights, 7:30pm. 6551 Telegraph Ave., Oakland. whitehorsebar.com
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