NY-Based Administrative Judge Unfazed After Being Fired for OnlyFans Account


"A New York-based administrative law judge has been fired from his position after it came to light that he was also making money from a side hustle with an OnlyFans account," according to the Daily Mail.

Gregory A. Locke, 33, posted X-rated content on his OnlyFans and Twitter accounts. There are no calls for him to be disbarred for this.

But Locke appeared unfazed, posting a video on Instagram of himself smiling broadly at Adele's residence in Las Vegas.

"Locke, who charges $12 a month for access to his OnlyFans site, was all smiles inside the casino floor, even while his professional life continues to spiral downward," the New York Post added.

"'Spent my Saturday getting ready to see my queen Adele close out her Vegas residency,' the legal beefcake wrote on the Saturday night post about the Grammy Award-winning singer of 'Hello,'" Post said.

"Did anything else happen? Did I miss anything?"

City Councilwoman Vickie Paladino, 68, has called for his disbarment following unprofessional behavior and an inappropriate tweet that was directed at her.

"Locke told her to 'choke on a d***' after she made a comment criticizing Drag Queen Story Hour in public schools and libraries," reported the Daily Mail.

"Paladino has called the city-funded programs that bring fully-bedecked drag queens into public schools and libraries to read to and socialize with kids, often without the consent or knowledge of parents, 'cultural indoctrination' and 'child grooming.'"

"Because of a disgusting tweet this judge posted about me, we placed a complaint, the floodgates opened and he was fired," Paladino told the Post.

She added: "This guy should lose his law license, we're in the process."

Locke did not respond to the Post's repeated requests for comment.

"The disgraced judge was previously paid $58 an hour to adjudicate parking tickets, and city officials said they were unaware of Locke's side gig despite his very public posts online," the Post reported.

"On his alternate Twitter account, Locke boasted that he was a judge while working in the porn industry. Along with his OnlyFans account, he holds an X-rated account on JustFor.Fans, where he charges $9.99 a month for access to his photos and videos."

Check out pics from Locke's Instagram:

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