10 Insta-Reasons We Love Out Actor Miles Heizer

Shawn Laib READ TIME: 11 MIN.

Meeting Taylor Swift is a dream for some LGBTQ+ fans and Heizer got his wish in this perfect photo from 2015. The actor is able to play off the encounter by looking casual, but we know he was jumping with joy on the inside! We also think Heizer looks really good in glasses and doesn't wear them enough.

Celebrities often get the privilege of exploring the world more than others due to filming, musical tours, and the like. Miles Heizer was in front of the Pyramid of the Sun in Teotihuacán, Mexico and his casual black outfit suits him nicely.

This major throwback from 2016 shows Heizer posing for the camera with his blue hair and nose piercing. His surprised face makes us wonder what he was looking at, and the actor plays along with this in the caption.

Heizer encourages his fans to vote during the 2020 election, a very important responsibility for all citizens of the U.S. It's nice to know Heizer uses his platform to inform others and encourage them to get involved. The kissy face is always a nice posing choice!

We all remember our 21st birthdays, or at least we know the feeling we had when we could legally drink and symbolically feel like an adult. Heizer celebrates his special day with a cake that truly represents the mid-2010s to perfection. The alien emoji that so often took over social media for young folks throughout conversations during this time period is front and center here.

by Shawn Laib

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