
Michael Wood READ TIME: 1 MIN.

Nettwerk Records

Why do physicists say time travel is impossible? It's downright easy to go back to the 1980s these days, at least musically. Swiss supergroup-in-the-making Kamera are the latest heirs to the flux capacitor, and their sophomore album is a jaunt back to the days of skinny ties, spiky hair and walls of synthesizers. If you didn't know better you'd swear these muted pop nuggets were forgotten singles from 1981, and that's not all a good thing. Though well made and sometimes downright eerily on point, a lot of Resurrection is slightly dull. If you're going to ape Duran Duran, why channel them at their most mopey and limp? (There's too much "The Chauffeur" and not enough "Girls on Film," if you will. Anyone? Anyone?) Enough songs rise above the sedative drone to make the album worth a listen, but you may decide you're better off just getting a few of the tracks off iTunes. The rocking "Lies," say, and the very danceable "Like a Drug."

by Michael Wood

Michael Wood is a contributor and Editorial Assistant for EDGE Publications.

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