Liza Minnelli At Stadium Theatre


International star and celebrity Liza Minnelli will be performing at the Stadium Theatre Performing Arts Centre in Woonsocket, Rhode Island from November 19 until the 23rd.

Liza Minnelli began her career at a very early age, co-starring with her mother Judy Garland in the movie "In the Good Old Summertime" in 1949. In 1972, her movie career peaked when she played Sally Bowles in "Cabaret." The film won eight Oscars, including Best Actress for Liza.

Both her life and career have been astonishing as Liza has been both a Broadway star and Movie Star as well as record producer and artist with awards including three Tonys, an Oscar two Golden Globes and an Emmy. Today she continues her extraordinary music career with ongoing concert tours in the U.S. and Europe.

The Box Office is located in front of the Theatre at
28 Monument Square, Woonsocket.

The phone number is 401-762-4545
The web site is


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