South End gay bashing trial extended

Robert Nesti READ TIME: 1 MIN.

The case against Darren Morgan and Howard Rice in the alleged assault and gay bashing of two men this past summer has been continued to Feb. 1.

Rice and Morgan allegedly approached two men on Washington St., shouting gay slurs. The defendants are accused of then putting one of the victims in a headlock. Rice and Morgan followed the two men into Myers + Chang restaurant, at which point restaurant staff kicked them out and the police were called.

Jake Wark, spokesperson for the District Attorney, said Sept. 10 that Morgan and Rice are now being charged with civil rights violations in addition to assault and battery and disorderly conduct charges. "The facts and the circumstances as relayed by the victims indicated that the victims were targeted because the assailants believed them to be gay," Wark said. "After an investigation by members of the Boston Police Community Disorders Unit, civil rights violations complaints were issued against both of them."

The civil rights violations represent a "collaborative effort" between the DA's office and the Boston Police Department. The defendants were arraigned under the new charges August 19 and will face trial Feb. 1 of next year.

by Robert Nesti , EDGE National Arts & Entertainment Editor

Robert Nesti can be reached at [email protected].

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