Bill Introduced to Ban 'Gay Conversion Therapy' Nationally


As Oregon joins New Jersey and California in banning "gay conversion therapy" for minors, a bill titled the Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act (TFPA) to stop the practice nationally was introduced into the House of Representatives Tuesday by California Rep Ted Lieu.

"Three years after I authored the first statewide ban on conversion therapy in California, I am proud to introduce legislation on the federal level to combat this abusive practice," said Congressman Lieu in a statement Tuesday. "The truth is that being LGBT cannot, be and does not need to be, cured."

The TFPA amends the Federal Trade Commission Act to classify commercial conversion therapy and advertising that claims to change sexual orientation and gender identity as fraud. The TFPA would empower the Federal Trade Commission to enforce this legislation, and it would also open practitioners up to civil litigation.

The bill has already gained support from key Democrats on Capital Hill.

"Being lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is not an illness," said House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. "By attempting to change one's identity, so-called 'conversion therapy' assaults the humanity of countless children and adults.�It's not right.�And it must be stopped."

"Americans who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender don't need a 'cure,' they need equality under the law," said Rep Suzan Del Bene (D-WA) who helped introduce the bill. "This legislation is an important step toward protecting the LGBT community and their families from the fraudulent promises of conversion."

In April, the White House formally backed a call to end conversion therapy.

"The overwhelming scientific evidence demonstrates that conversion therapy, especially when it is practiced on young people, is neither medically nor ethically appropriate and can cause substantial harm," Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to President Barack Obama.

The TFPA only affects the for-profit conversion therapy industry, and contains important protections for religious liberty and freedom of speech.


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