Operation Warm Wishes Helps Children, The Homeless


Tyron Jackson of Operation Warm Wishes helps the homeless with clean laundry, and kids who have lost a parent or guardian.

On Tuesday, February 21, join them as "we wash, dry and fold the laundry of our homeless affected by the rain."

It's not just a time of doing laundry, but a time of uplifting, serving and helping our homeless men, women and children.

Join them from 3-6 p.m. on Tuesday February 21 at Good Choice Laundry, 1620 East First Street, Santa Ana, CA 92701

And, on March 5, Operation Warm Wishes will join us for a beautiful and special day of making a difference in the lives of children who lost a parent or guardian.

This event is dedicated to children (our foster children, children in group homes, children who live in motels, ALL children) who have lost a parent or guardian. All are invited! All are welcome!

Children will get to make a personalized stuffed animal to dedicate to their parent or guardian with a video, QR code, wrapped with ribbons, bows and confetti.

There will be food, music, balloon twisters, lemonade making and tasting, Jelly Belly taste tests, craft stations, face painting, henna tattoos, photo booth with props, and tons of love, encouragement and warm wishes!

The event will be held from 1-3 p.m. on Sunday, March 5, 200 S C St, Tustin, CA 92780

For more information please call Tyron Jackson at 714-363-6621 or visit www.OperationWarmWishes.com

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