Kehlani Source: Richard Shotwell/Invision/Associated Press

Watch: Conservative Influencer Christian Walker Argues with Singer Kehlani in Starbucks Drive-Thru

Kilian Melloy READ TIME: 3 MIN.

Christian Walker, the "attracted to men but not gay" son of Georgia political candidate Herschel Walker, subjected openly lesbian singer Kehlani to a harangue at a Starbucks drive-thru window, then posted a video of the encounter, according to Newsweek.

"In Instagram stories that have since been reposted to Twitter and TikTok, Walker... was upset that a Starbucks had several pride flags hanging in the window but no American flag," Newsweek detailed.

"Walker, who is openly attracted to men but does not identify as gay, shouted in the video, 'These flags from hell should have been removed 13 days ago. Pride month is over, where's my American flag? You're intolerant of how I identify!'" the report quoted Walker saying.

The story goes on to say: "After going through the Starbucks drive-thru to ask the barista if they have an American flag up in the store, he told the barista that he would bring them one before going on another rant on camera."

All of that was merely a prelude for what was to come. The conservative influencer, in line behind Kehlani, screamed at the singer for having warned the baristas about him.

Walker can be heard in the video insisting that he, too, has an opinion and telling Kehlani to hurry up.

"This mediocre singer that everyone's forgotten about, Kehlani, told my baristas at Starbucks that I was an 'a**hole' and to be 'safe around me,'" Walker declared in the tweet. "Well, I set her straight."

"I'm tired of these fake woke people being rude to everyone and acting like they're the good ones," Walker added.

Walker identifies himself as a "free speech radicalist" and a "Christian populist," Just Jared noted.

The site also recalled that Walker "was previously suspended from TikTok, and was a vocal supporter of Donald Trump, leading a 'Gays for Trump' march in West Hollywood in 2020."

Kehlani, who has identified as queer and, more recently, lesbian, and who uses she/they pronouns, took to social media in their turn to offer context and a broader explanation of what happened. The singer recounted that they saw Walker in his car taking video of the Starbucks and seeming angry about the store's display of Pride flags. They added that when Walker reached the order intercom, he was "clearly harassing" the person on the other end of the line.

Kehlani detailed that they frequent the Starbucks where the encounter took place, and told viewers that "everybody that works there is, like, of color," and, cautioning that although "you can't assume these things," added that many of the workers there "seem queer to me."

When they reached the pickup window, they saw fit to give the staff there a heads up, telling them, "the guy behind me... that Republican Trump supporter kid... has a habit of, like, harassing, you know, this community," and warned the baristas to "watch out, because he's coming up here with his... phone, ready to record."

Kehlani added that they told the barista, "'Yeah, he's a fucking asshole.' Because I've just watched him be an asshole for the last 10 minutes."

Kehlani suggested that the video Walker shared was incomplete. "When he actually started speaking to me," prior to the start of the clip Walker shared, "it was, 'Bitch, you're holding up the line; bitch, dah dah dah dah dah!'"

Ironically, Kehlani said, they were having a therapy session via phone at that very moment, and talking with their therapist about people with issues around misplaced anger.

"And I'm just having this 'Aha!' moment with my therapist," the singer added, going on to say that it occurred to them that Walker wanted "to get a reaction out of me so that you can go viral and you can post it as some kind of a take on people with my 'political stance,' or assumed political stance, and people from my community... Lo and behold! I get on the internet, and there's this much of the interaction posted," the singer said, holding their fingers a short distance apart.

In his own moment of irony, Walker noted he had been listening to Kehlani's music just the day before the Starbucks brouhaha.

Kehlani also noted Walker's onetime fandom, sharing a screenshot of a 2016 tweet from Walker, the Los Angeles Times reported.

"I love Kehlani soo much," Walker's tweet said. The LA Times noted that "Kehlani added an emoji of a face blowing out air to the screenshot."

Walker returned to the incident "in an Instagram post Wednesday afternoon [July 13]," the LA Times said. "The recollection of his interaction with the 'Gangsta' artist grew into a larger tirade about 'leftists' who 'can't handle someone with a different opinion.'"

by Kilian Melloy , EDGE Staff Reporter

Kilian Melloy serves as EDGE Media Network's Associate Arts Editor and Staff Contributor. His professional memberships include the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association, the Boston Online Film Critics Association, The Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association, and the Boston Theater Critics Association's Elliot Norton Awards Committee.

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