Cassandra Peterson, who plays "Elvira, Mistress of the Dark," appears during the NBC "Today" television program's annual Halloween show in New York on Oct. 31, 2007. Source: AP Photo/Richard Drew, File

Elvira Tweets Epic Smackdown at Christian Walker

Kilian Melloy READ TIME: 2 MIN.

Horror hostess and out LGBTQ+ icon Elvira, Mistress of the Dark, ate Christian Walker's lunch, serving up an epic tweet that roasted the conservative social media personality.

Elvira's tweet was in response to a version of the "Which Table Y'All Sitting At" meme, which has been a fixture on social media since at least 2019. Various versions have grouped unlikely combinations of public figures and fictional characters together in a lunch room setting for comic effect.

The version of the meme in question put Elvira, Mariah Carey, and Walker together at a table.

But the horror maven, who came out in a memoir last year as having been in a two-decade relationship with another woman, proved to be a bit more picky about the company she's willing to keep. Retweeting the image together with a photo of herself and Carey, she let Walker – who claims to be attracted only to men but is not gay – know that he wasn't welcome at that particular cool kids' table.

"You can't sit with us," Elvira tweeted.

"Especially @ChristianWalk1r," she added, throwing in a vomiting emoji for good measure.

Fans were quick to weigh in with responses of their own.

This isn't Walker's only recent run-in with a celebrity who effortlessly shrugged him off. As previously reported at EDGE, Walker flew into a fit at a Starbucks after a customer ahead of him in the drive-through line warned the baristas about Walker and cautioned them to "be safe..."

That customer was none other than Kehlani, whose music Walker had praised in previous social media postings. Walker got out of his car and subjected Kehlani to a rant while taking video of the encounter, then posted the video in a post that huffed, "This mediocre singer that everyone's forgotten about, Kehlani, told my baristas at Starbucks that I was an 'a**hole' and to be 'safe around me.'"

"Well, I set her straight," Walker's post added, before continuing on with: "I'm tired of these fake woke people being rude to everyone and acting like they're the good ones."

Kehlani, who uses she/they pronouns, also posted a video about the incident. Remaining calm, if bemused, they recounted the event from their perspective, saying that they saw Walker in his car taking video of the Starbucks and seeming angry about the store's display of Pride flags. Kehlani added that when Walker reached the order intercom, he was "clearly harassing" the person on the other end of the line.

Christian Walker is the son of Herschel Walker, a Republican candidate campaigning for the Georgia senate seat that Democrat Raphael Warnock won in 2020. Recent coverage of Walker's campaign have noted, as The Hill summarized, "a series of unforced errors and negative headlines that have rocked the former football star's general election campaign... including an admission that he fathered three children he had not previously disclosed publicly."

by Kilian Melloy , EDGE Staff Reporter

Kilian Melloy serves as EDGE Media Network's Associate Arts Editor and Staff Contributor. His professional memberships include the National Lesbian & Gay Journalists Association, the Boston Online Film Critics Association, The Gay and Lesbian Entertainment Critics Association, and the Boston Theater Critics Association's Elliot Norton Awards Committee.

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